Hammer Time Auto Auction LLC - Johnson City, TN 37601
#58: 2014 KIA Sportage **
Vehicle Details
VIN: KNDPCCA60E7657924
Odometer: 185,241
Model Year: 2014
Make: KIA
Model: Sportage
Doors: 0
Body Type: Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV)/Multi-Purpose Vehicle (MPV)
Engine Size:
Vehicle Condition / Title
Vehicle Description
red Light. Nice car Check Engine Light is On. tinted windows navigation
Vehicle Documents
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** This is an “AS IS” Auction with No Arbitration, the selling dealer makes every effort to list the vehicles condition accurately on their condition report and highlight the major flaws in their photos. Vehicle availability and description are subject to change without prior notice. Used vehicles may be subject to open recalls, check safercar.gov It is ultimately the buyer’s responsibility to review the car and judge the vehicles condition before bidding. Hammer Time Auto Auction is not responsible for any errors or omissions contained on these pages